Learn why Complete Power Wash is your best option for professional exterior cleaning of Tri-state area homes and businesses.

Tax Refund Dollars Can Clean Your Home’s Exterior
Tax return season is here, putting extra money in local accounts.
Tax season is in full swing and people will soon be deciding where to spend those refund dollars. Some rapid returns are already on their way to local bank accounts. Are you getting enough back to do a major project or take a luxury vacation? If so, congratulations! Even if your refund is on the smaller side, think about the best way to get the biggest bang for your buck for your home. One of the best ways is to restore your home’s beauty through a professional pressure washing.
The techs at Complete Power Wash are the exterior cleaning experts in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. That area includes the Tri-state area of Western Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Their pressure washing services include roof cleaning, house washing and deck and patio cleaning. The CPW techs are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing, using the softwash approach to safely clean nearly every surface. This technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents is the safest and best way to clean the exteriors of homes and businesses.
Contact the Hagerstown office here to schedule a cleaning appointment for this Spring. If you prefer to talk to a staff member, call an office staff member at 301.842.2290.
“Why should I use tax refund dollars on a Complete Power Wash cleaning?”
The answer can be found in the words of Complete Power Wash clients below.
“Outstanding from initial call to completed service. The best service business experience I have ever had.” – Brian S.
“Great job! Professional service. The house looks brand new.” – Terry M.
“These guys absolutely rock! Top notch work, excellent communication, and friendly too. Thank you for everything!” – Stanley H.
Read more Complete Power Wash reviews here.
March 2025 Celebrations
The month of March is….
- Red Cross Month
- National Athletic Training Month
- National Women’s History Month
National Nutrition Month
Special days in March include…
- March 3rd – National Anthem Day, World Wildlife Day
- March 4h – Mardi Gras
March 5th – Ash Wednesday
- March 7th – Employee Appreciation Day
- March 8th – International Women’s Day
- March 9th – Daylight Saving Time Starts
- March 17th – Saint Patrick’s Day
- March 20th – Spring Equinox (Start of Spring)
- March 22nd – World Water Day
- March 25th – Maryland Day
If you’re in need of professional pressure washing in nearby West Virginia, CPW recommends Extra Mile PowerWashing in Bunker Hill, WV.

Merry Christmas!
The Complete Power Wash staff wishes you a Merry Christmas!
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” Now with that classic holiday song planted in your brain, the CPW staff hopes you and your loved ones have a very merry Christmas and a great ending to 2024!
Along with the holiday wishes, the Complete Power Wash staff says “thank you” to all of this year’s pressure washing clients, the highlights of 2024. The team members look forward to serving you again in 2025. They also hope the new year is a great one for all, and that peace and joy will abound in homes, communities and businesses throughout the Tri-state area.
And while you’re waiting for Santa to come down the chimney, enjoy reading some interesting Christmas trivia about the most-popular holiday season of the entire year.
Christmas Trivia
1. How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol?
2. Which country did eggnog come from?
3. Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?
4. How many gifts in total were given in The Twelve Days of Christmas song?
5. Where was Jesus born?
6. What popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving?
7. What was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
8. Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
9. The movie Miracle on 34th Street is based on a real-life department store. What is it?
10. In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born?
11. In the song Frosty the Snowman, what made Frosty come to life?
12. What do kids in Sweden leave for Santa?
NOTE: The answers are listed below.
Merry Christmas from Complete Power Wash!
Contact the CPW office here if you have questions about pressure washing or want to schedule a cleaning appointment once the weather breaks. If you prefer to talk to a staff member, call the Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.2290.
Their pressure washing services include roof cleaning, house washing and deck and patio cleaning. Their techs are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing, using the softwash approach to clean. This technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents is the safest and best way to clean the exteriors of homes and businesses.
Click here to see a gallery of CPW‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Click on this link to read the company’s pressure washing reviews, like that of Daniel.
“Quick response, honest and thorough communication, work was done thoroughly and on time.” — Daniel M.
Christmas Trivia Answers
- Four
- England
- Cupid
- 364
- Bethlehem
- Jingle Bells
- Home Alone
- Germany
- Macy’s
- Turkey
- An old silk hat
- Coffee

Call Now for December Pressure Washing
Cold weather is limiting the number of cleaning days before Christmas.
Time is running short AND the temperatures are looking more like mid-winter rather than late fall. Maybe this means a white Christmas, but before that happens there’s plenty to do before Santa leaves the North Pole.

Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd.
Are the Christmas decorations up? Are the presents purchased and wrapped? What about the food? Don’t forget the food!
Now, with all of that, there probably isn’t much time to get the exterior of your home cleaned and ready for those guests you’ve invited for the Christmas and New Year celebrations. The good news is that you only need about 15 minutes for that if you decide to contact the pressure washing professionals at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD.
Contact the CPW office today for one of the last available appointments of the year. You can click here, call 301.842.2290 or email to reach the Complete Power Wash staff in Hagerstown. Their techs are the cleaning pros who can add the “wow factor” with their house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning services. They use the softwash technique — the correct water pressure and gentle detergents — to safely clean your property. Click here to read the CPW pressure washing reviews.
Hiring the CPW techs will add a few hours into your holiday season. Below are a few ideas that can help make this a special holiday season.
Tri-state December Happenings
The greater Hagerstown, MD area has some great events to make this a memorable December. The complete list — including The Nutcracker, Christmas markets, City Park Tree Lighting — can be seen at this link.
Christmas Traditions for Your Family
This is the perfect time of year to make memories with family and friends. Some of the holiday traditions are easy to name, such as:
- Watching Christmas movies
- Going to a Christmas concert
- Making Christmas decorations
- Cutting down and decorating a live tree
- Looking at local Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music
- Making Christmas cookies
- Playing a board game or charades
But if you want to add to this list, click on this link for some new Christmas traditions. If you’re more into sitting in front of the screen as the temperature drops outside, here is a list of great holiday movies:
- A Christmas Carol (several versions)
- The Grinch that Stole Christmas
- The Santa Clause
- Home Alone (and the sequels)
- Miracle on 34th Street
- It’s A Wonderful Life
- Red One (now in theaters)
Click on this link to get a complete list of the top 100 Christmas movies from the Rotten Tomatoes website.
Christmas Quotes
“A toy is never truly happy until it is loved by a child.” — Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” – Charles Dickens
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” – Hamilton Wright Mabie
“Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality.” — Washington Irving
“For it is in giving that we receive.” — St. Francis of Assisi
December Dates to Remember
December is derived from the Latin word decem, which means “ten” because it was the tenth month of the early Roman calendar.
- Hanukkah begins at sundown on Wednesday, December 25th, and ends at sundown on Thursday, January 2nd.
- December 7 is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. remembering those who died during this attack by the Japanese in Hawaii.
- December 15 is Bill of Rights Day (ratified in 1791), declared in 1941 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
December 21 is the Winter Solstice — the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
- December 24 is Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas.
- December 25 is Christmas Day, commemorating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.
- December 26 is Boxing Day (Canada, UK).
- December 31 is New Years Eve, ushering out of the old year and welcoming the new one at 12:01 on January 1st.

Happy Thanksgiving from Complete Power Wash
Here’s hoping you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanksgiving Trivia
1. What year was the celebration that is most commonly considered to be the first Thanksgiving?
A: 1621. This is the celebration that people most often talk about when they are talking about the “first” Thanksgiving. But there are others that are claimed to be the first Thanksgiving. There was another celebration in Plymouth in 1623 and one in Boston in 1631 that people claim was the actual first Thanksgiving.
2. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?
A: Three days. It was celebrated much earlier than our current celebration, possibly in late September. There were about 50 European settlers and around 90 native Americans who attended the 3-day feast.
3. In what year did both the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and America’s Thanksgiving Parade start?
A: 1924. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was started by Louis Bamberger in Newark, New Jersey but was transferred to New York City where it is now held by Macy’s. America’s Thanksgiving Parade in Detroit was inspired by Eaton’s Santa Claus Parade in Toronto, Ontario.
Thanksgiving Quotes
“We should just be thankful for being together. I think that’s what they mean by Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown.” — Marcie, from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
“It’s up to us to choose contentment and thankfulness now—and to stop imagining that we have to have everything perfect before we’ll be happy.” — Joanna Gaines
“Thanksgiving is recognition of a debt that cannot be paid. We express thanks, whether or not we are able otherwise to reimburse the giver.” — Billy Graham
The History of Thanksgiving in America
The first Thanksgiving between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians happened in the fall of 1621, about 10 months after the Mayflower landed in Plymouth, MA. Only 44 of the 102 original voyagers were alive due to hardships of the first year. The celebration was for the great harvest, which happened because the Native-American Indians taught them about growing local crops. The Pilgrims were appreciated, because they had helped the Wampanoags fight back a rival tribe that attacked earlier in the year.
How to Plan a Memorable Thanksgiving Event

Photo by Element5 Digital
Are you hosting this year’s Thanksgiving gathering? If so, you will need a solid plan, with a to-do list, together so you can have fewer worries and enjoy the holiday. This article offers a cheat sheet for your Thanksgiving gathering. It covers everything from guests with dietary restrictions to selecting a turkey and serving the perfect dessert.
The Complete Power Wash staff hopes your meal tastes great, your football team wins and you make memories to last a lifetime.

Pressure Wash Your Home Before Guests Arrive
It’s not too late to clean your home’s exterior before the Thanksgiving guests arrive.

Photo by Element5 Digital
It’s already November and it’s only a few weeks before the 2024 holiday season is here. Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28th and there’s a lot to do between now and then. This is especially true if you’re hosting loved ones for the big meal and football watching. The pressure washing experts at Complete Power Wash want to help make it a great gathering. If you can take care of the turkey and pumpkin pie, they will take care of cleaning the walkways, porch, siding, deck and more.
Now, the question is is the exterior of your home in a position to make a great impression on your guests? Imagine if they were wowed before they entered the doorway, encountering the smell of homemade stuffing. The Complete Power Wash cleaning pros can add the “wow factor” with their house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning services. They use the softwash technique to safely clean your property. Softwash is the perfect water pressure — based on the surface — and gentle detergents. This process is the right one for guaranteeing no damage to your home or property. This is something amateurs, with their blasting technique, cannot guarantee.
Click here, call 301.842.220 or email to connect with CPW’s Hagerstown, MD office.
November is Energy Awareness Month
If you’re not hosting guests, it might be the right time to plan for the long winter ahead. November is Energy Awareness Month, a great time of year to take an “energy inventory” around your home and in your life. Using energy wisely makes sense for the planet and for your monthly budget. There are some easy ways to make a difference.
Turning out lights, keeping the thermostat at a lower temperature and making sure windows and doors are tightly closes should be easy ones to check off the list. You can also close down vents and close doors to unoccupied rooms. Another easy change is replacing traditional light bulbs with LED bulbs.
Larger home upgrades like energy-saving appliances — including a new furnace — along with new windows and exterior doors can pay for themselves in a few years. Here is a great article on the top 21 things to do to save energy around the house.
November Fun in the Tri-state
Thanksgiving is very late in the month this year. That means there is a lot of time for activities before the holiday and the start of the shopping season on Black Friday. Click on this link for more than 400 web pages of Tri-state area events.

Make Your Home Less Scary After Halloween
Scary and haunted houses are great for Halloween, but not for the holidays.
The Complete Power Wash techs think the only thing scarier than a haunted house during Halloween, is a dirty house after Nov 1. Spider webs, black and green streaks and shadowy grime are hallmarks of a spooky look for trick-or-treaters. However, this becomes a true frightening tale when you think that there is only one month until guests start arriving for Thanksgiving meals and conversations on porches and decks throughout the Tri-state area. This means time is running short to contact CPW‘s Hagerstown, MD office to schedule their pressure washing services. These cleaning services include house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They use the softwash technique to safely clean your property, guaranteeing no damage to your home or property. This is something amateurs cannot do.
Contact the Complete Power Wash office if you would like to completely understand Jennifer’s pressure washing service experience. Click here, call 301.842.220 or email to connect.
Click here to see a gallery of CPW‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, including northern Frederick County. The professional cleaning techs also pressure wash residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. They are also experts in industrial power washing, for those needing to clean facades or stubborn chemical stains.
While you’re trying to figure out the best day to book CPW‘s pressure washing experts, enjoy this Halloween trivia about the traditions many will celebrate this week.
Halloween Trivia
Why are pumpkins part of Halloween?
A: Pumpkins are actually indigenous to the Western Hemisphere and have been found on the continent for thousands of years. Pumpkins entered into the Halloween celebration after Irish immigrants came to America and found that pumpkins were easier to carve than potatoes for the holiday.
When did the Jack-’o-lantern become part of the autumn celebration?
A: Jack-’o-lanterns have been around for hundreds of years. The legend is of a man named Jack, who according to legend, invited the devil for a drink. Jack did not want to pay for his drink, so he made a deal with the devil. The devil turned himself into coins, but instead of paying for the drink, Jack kept the coins. Later freeing the devil, he promised to change him back if he did not steal his soul. Upon Jack’s death, God would not let him into heaven because of his past and the devil would not let him into hell. Instead, the devil gave Jack a piece of coal, which Jack placed into a turnip. The legend goes that Jack used the turnip and coal to light his way as he looked for a final resting place. The original jack-’o-lanterns in Ireland were carved out of turnips or potatoes.
Who is responsible for bringing Halloween to America?
A: Halloween is mix of traditions from Celtic, Catholic and Roman religious rituals. Celts would dress in costumes and light bonfires to ward off ghosts, thought to return on Halloween. The Celts believe that the boundaries between the living and the dead blurred on Halloween, making it easier for ghosts and spirits to return to cause mischief.
When did candy corn become part of the celebration?
A: More than 35 million pounds of candy corn is produced each year according to the National Confectioner’s Association. Created in the late 1800s, the three colors are supposed to look like the colors in kernels of corn.
How did costumes become part of the holiday?
A: Costumes were first worn to tell each other’s fortunes and for protection against evil spirits. The first costumes in Ireland were made of animal heads and skins. The modern celebration of Halloween still involves costumes, but many are not as creepy or scary as the first.
Were witches always thought of as bad?
The word witch comes from the word “wica,” an Old Saxon word that means “wise one.” The early-known witches were dealers in medicinal herbs and charms and respected in their own communities. But superstitions were created and told of witches casting spells and making trouble for others. Settlers who arrived in America brought these superstitions, and coupled with the Native American belief in witches, the legend grew.

Be Positive That October Will Be a Great Month
October is Positive Attitude Month. The Complete Power Wash team wants to help make October a great one.
Everyone can use an extra does of positivity these days. The news is filled political division, natural destruction, international instability and a mixed economic outlook. However, there are some ways to block out the bad and accentuate the positive in your life. Those ways include listening to music, focusing on gratitude, taking breaks from stressful situations and looking forward to something enjoyable. The Complete Power Wash staff aren’t musicians, but they can help with those last couple of suggestions.
Their cleaning techs are happy to show up at your house or business and take that “clean the exterior” line off your to-do list. They are the Tri-state-area pressure washing experts, leaving your property looking new and more time in your week. This will give you time to participate in one or many events happening in the greater Hagerstown, MD area.
Another great way to focus on the positive is to surround yourself with loved ones that bring positive energy to the room, or deck.
Pressure Wash Your Deck for October Gatherings
Do you plan to host guests this fall to enjoy a nice afternoon and evening on your dirty deck or patio? Don’t do that! The CPW cleaning professionals can save you such an embarrassment if you call soon to schedule a deck or patio cleaning. They are the local experts for cleaning wood and composite decks. They also know how to clean hardscape patios to look as if they’ve just been installed. You’ll be proud
And while everyone agrees that deck stains are ugly, the real problem will come a few years down the road. Those stains are the build up of grime and other harmful elements. The cleaning techs will also give you a proper assessment of your other building materials — siding, gutters, fencing, shingles, walkways, etc… — that may be in danger of a shortened life due to harmful element buildup.
And don’t hire just anyone who hands you a pressure washing business card and drives a truck. Decking and other building materials are easily scarred by high pressure cleaning. Professional pressure washing techs will use the softwash approach to clean wood decks and hardscape patios safely. Yes, hardscapes can be scarred beyond repair by concentrated water pressure!
Special Celebrations and Hagerstown-area Activities in October
October is a great month for fall gatherings and special events. Of course fall foliage and the the images of jack-o-lanterns dominate the latter half of the month. But before we jump to the end of the month, take a look at a list of some local events you may want to consider enjoying with your extra time.
Fall Festivals (times a million, give or take a few)
- Ft. Ritchie History Bus Tour
- Mummer’s Day Parade
- Halloween
- The Amish Outlaws
Click on this link for a complete list of fun things to do in the Hagerstown, MD area in October 2024.
Contact CPW for All Your Pressure Washing Needs
Contact the Complete Power Wash office in Hagerstown, MD to schedule a cleaning appointment. In addition to deck cleaning, the CPW techs are the local pressure washing experts in house washing and roof cleaning. They also clean residences and commercial buildings — including industrial power washing — in nearby Frederick County, Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.
Click on this link to see a gallery of Complete‘s pressure washing work.
Call 301-842-2290 or click here to contact the Complete Power Wash staff online for a free pressure washing estimate.

Complete Power Wash Testimonials
The CPW cleaning techs can make your property beautiful and add to their testimonials.
Fall is a great season to get your property clean and ready for gatherings and the coming holidays. The Complete Power Wash techs are the Tri-state area’s pressure washing experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash, nearly guaranteeing no damage to your home or property.
This is important when the surface could be damaged, because strong water pressure and inept technique are the wrong combination. This is often the problem with residential equipment and inexperienced operators. Be weary of those stopping by your house with a cheap rate and no professional training. Amateurs can do more harm than good and your property may end up looking worse.
In addition to taking pride in a job well done, the Complete Power Wash techs are grateful that the customers listed below trusted them to do good work and then took time to tell them about it. They hope for the chance to serve them in fall 2024.
Complete Power Wash Pressure Washing Testimonials
“Complete Power Wash is a professional, experienced, and trustworthy company. Tim and his staff are very informative, knowledgeable and guarantee 100% satisfaction. Look no further than Complete Power Wash for your next exterior cleaning service!” – Jake A.
“The crew from Complete Power Wash did an excellent job on our roof and siding. So nice to come home to a clean house!” – Barry M.
“Great job! Professional service. The house looks brand new.” – Terry M.
“They did an awesome job cleaning my entire townhouse! I highly recommend this company and will definitely use them again in the future!” – Regina C., Hagerstown, MD
“They cleaned our home. We are completely satisfied and will differently be using them again!” – Kyle H.
“Amazing customer service. Hired Complete and crew for my relatives house wash and the results were amazing. Communication and customer service is key and they went above and beyond. Will definitely use them again.” – Joe D.
“Tim (Fields) is awesome…great customer service. I will definitely seek out his services again.” – Jim C.
If you’re a client and feel compelled to do so, go to the Complete Power Wash Facebook page and leave a nice comment. Additional CPW reviews can be read at this link.
Contact CPW’s Hagerstown office for a Fall Pressure Washing Appointment
If you would like to experience the kind of pressure washing service that the customers listed above enjoyed, contact the Complete Power Wash office. Click here, call 301.842.220 or email
Click here to see a gallery of CPW‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, and a large portion of Frederick County, MD. The professional cleaning techs also pressure wash residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. They are also experts in industrial power washing.

Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend
The CPW staff hopes you have a relaxing Labor Day holiday!
Labor Day is this Monday and marks the unofficial end of summer 2024. However, the chilly weather is still at least a month away. The Complete Power Wash staff members hope it is the beginning to a great fall season for your family. They know this can be a hectic time of year, however It’s also a great time to consider getting your home ready for hosting upcoming gatherings. Don’t wait until after you’ve invited guests to have the house, deck and sidewalks cleaned, just in case the schedule is booked solid.
The CPW pressure washing techs are the Tri-state experts in house washing, roof cleaning, deck and patio cleaning (including pool decks, driveways and sidewalks), and more. They use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents.
The Labor Day Holiday
Interesting Facts About Labor Day: Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labor movements grew, trade unionists proposed that a day be set aside to celebrate workers. In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty U.S. states officially celebrated Labor Day.
The holiday honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
Labor Day is on September 2nd this year in the U.S. Canada’s Labour Day is also celebrated on the first Monday of September. More than 80 countries celebrate International Workers’ Day on May 1 – the ancient European holiday of May Day – and several countries have chosen their own dates for Labour Day.
Labor Day Quotes
“Without labor nothing prospers.”– Sophocles
“Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work.”– Booker T.
“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”– Thomas Edison
Complete Power Wash for All Your Pressure Washing Needs
Click here to contact the CPW office about a free pressure washing estimate. You can also reach the Hagerstown, MD office by calling 301-842-2290 or emailing
The cleaning techs are the exterior cleaning experts in the greater-Hagerstown area and the surrounding Tri-state region of Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The Complete Power Wash techs clean the exteriors of houses and businesses throughout the area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… They also serve most of Frederick County, MD. The techs also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.
Click here to see a gallery of the company’s pressure washing work of satisfied customers like Jennifer.
Happy Labor Day 2024!

Pressure Wash, Then Put Your Home on the Market
Are you thinking of selling your house this fall?
The impending rate cut has some mortgage folks excited and potential buyers ready to come off the sidelines. Sellers should be getting ready for an active selling season. If you’re in that position, think about what will attract and what will discourage buyers. Remember, you as a seller will be competing with other properties that are on par with your home. Some things — location, size, style — you can’t easily change, so plan to win the “curb appeal competition.”
The adage, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” is very true when selling your house. Unlike the reality shows, the average buyer will look at 10 homes before making a buying decision. What will make your home memorable to those looking to buy in the fall of 2024?
Complete Power Wash can make your Tri-state-area home look nearly new again. Their pressure washing techs are the experts when it comes to cleaning your home’s siding, shingles, sidewalks, fences, driveway, decks, gutters and more. They can even remove graffiti, a huge boost to your home’s beauty and the neighborhood’s validity.
Call 301.842.2290 or contact Complete Power Wash‘s Hagerstown, MD office to schedule a free pressure washing estimate. It could be the first step toward understanding why Jennifer was happy about her decision to contact the staff.
CPW Pressure Washing Testimonial
Softwash is the Safest and Best Wash
Softwash is the technique most pressure washing professionals use to safely remove even the toughest stains, dirt and grime. The CPW cleaning techs are trained to use softwash on all building materials. They use the correct water pressure with gentle, environmentally-friendly detergents. These detergents weaken the grip of dirt, mold, mildew and other natural elements. Once the detergent takes affect, the technician can gently wash away the grime with just the right amount of pressure. Softwash also limits the mess that most amateur power washing companies leave behind.
The Complete Power Wash techs pressure wash houses and businesses throughout the greater Hagerstown, MD area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc.… They also serve most of Frederick County, MD and clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.
Click here to see a gallery of their pressure washing work in the Tri-state area of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Complete Power Wash is a professional pressure washing company in Hagerstown, MD. The CPW techs clean the exteriors of homes, businesses and churches in Western Maryland’s Tri-state area. That area includes parts of West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Frederick County, MD. The techs use the softwash cleaning method, the safest pressure washing technique.