Learn why Complete Power Wash is your best option for professional exterior cleaning of Tri-state area homes and businesses.

It’s Almost Back-to-School Season
With back-to-school season nearly upon us, it’s time to get the house clean for Fall.
Summer is starting to fade and the back-to-school shopping signs are up in stores. Many parents are likely ready for a break, but may not be ready for the busy Fall season. Making plans now could make the difference when it comes to the Fall season. Taking care of some household to-dos now will allow time for Fall festivals, sporting events, family gatherings and more.
Just imagine how beautiful your house will look when after the Complete Power Wash techs finish their professional cleaning service. All of the mold, mildew, stains and grime gone and the beauty back intact. Many of the CPW customers love to walk across the street, gazing back in amazement once the cleaning is complete. The transformation is often stunning, because most homeowners don’t realize how dirty their house is until it’s clean again. Many comment that it looks new again.
Complete Power Wash’s Pressure Washing Services
The Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are the local experts in house washing, roof cleaning, deck and patio cleaning (including pool decks, driveways and sidewalks), and more. They use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash, even concrete and other “indestructible” surfaces. Don’t find out the hard way that an amateur using intense water pressure can damage your property.
Schedule a Pressure Washing Appointment
Click here to contact the CPW office about a free pressure washing estimate or call 301-842-2290.
The cleaning techs are the exterior cleaning experts in the greater-Hagerstown area and the surrounding Tri-state region of Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The Complete Power Wash techs clean the exteriors of houses and businesses throughout the area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… They also serve most of Frederick County, MD. The techs also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.
Click here to see a gallery of the company’s pressure washing work of satisfied customers like Sue.
“Our dirty roof was gross! It ruined the whole exterior appearance of our home. Immediately after you treated it, the roof looked like new… nice and clean! Thanks for doing such a good job.” — Sue M.

Bodily and Property Wellness this August
August is National Wellness Month and it’s a great season to get your property in shape.
Neglect can lead to a shorter lifespan. This statement is true of many things, including your property, whether it’s your residence or your business location. Now is the time to contact Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD for professional pressure washing. Their professionals are trained to clean your property in the best, safest way.
Green and black stains on your siding, fence panels, sidewalks, deck boards and roof are signs that the aging process has been sped up by natural elements. Green growing out of your gutters not only means your gutters are at risk, it means they might not able handle the heavy rains. This could lead to black and green growing inside your walls after water flows over the gutter edges. This can be very costly if it’s your home, but devastating if your business gets shut down due to mold issues.
On top of the damage to the property is the damage to your reputation. Owning the ugly house is one thing, but owning the ugly business will drive clients away. Even a dirty walkway or entrance communicates a negative first impression. The Complete Power Wash techs know how to removal all stains, because many commercial stains can be challenging for regular cleaning products.
Contact the CPW office to schedule a pressure washing appointment this August. You can do so by clicking here, calling 301.842.220 or emailing
Ways to Celebrate National Wellness Month
January 1 is the time of year most associate with getting healthy. Well, for those having regrets half a year later, August is National Wellness Month. It’s a time to make a few changes to kickstart a “healthier tomorrow.” Experts recommend:
- Drinking more water.
Adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.
- Adopting better sleep habits.
- Moving more today than yesterday. Add more steps to your daily routine, shooting for 5,000 to 10,000 steps each day.
- Finding more times of peace and quite, preferably outdoors.
Complete Power Wash’s Service Area
The Complete Power Wash techs use the softwash technique to clean the exteriors of houses and businesses throughout the area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… They also serve most of Frederick County, MD. CPW techs also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.
Click here to see a gallery of the company’s pressure washing work in the Tri-state area of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Independence Day 2024
Have a safe time celebrating Independence Day on July Fourth.
Summer is here and so is the holiday that celebrates America’s independence from Britain nearly 250 years ago. It’s a great time to enjoy family, friends and fireworks. Please be careful while enjoying all of the above. The United States of America has a rich history going back to it’s humble beginnings. Below is a brief summary of those days leading to independence.
The History of July 4th being Independence Day
On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England, leading to the formation of the United States. The colonies and England had already been at odds for a year when the colonies convened a Continental Congress in the summer of 1776. Richard Henry Lee of Virginia presented a resolution in a June 7th session in the Pennsylvania State House. That resolution included these now-famous words:
“Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”
These words led to the drafting of a statement presenting to the world the colonies’ case for independence. Members of the committee included famous patriots John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. The task of drafting The Declaration of Independence was given to Jefferson.
On July 1, 1776, the Continental Congress reconvened, and on the following day, the resolution for independence was adopted by the colonies. The Declaration was officially adopted and ratified on July 4th.
Here is a list of July fourth events in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. For other July events in the area, click this link.
Need a Pressure Wash Appointment this Summer?
Is your home ready for summer gatherings? Are the sidewalks, driveway, roof and siding clean and inviting?
If not, the professional pressure washing techs at Complete Power Wash are available to help. They are pressure washing experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. The techs are experts in safely cleaning just about anything on your property. They use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash, guaranteeing no damage to your home or property. The detergents are also safe for plants, trees and your lawn.
Click here to see a gallery of Complete‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. The professional pressure washers also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Frederick County, Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. They are also experts in industrial power washing.
Contact the Complete Power Wash office to schedule a pressure washing appointment. You can do so by clicking here, calling 301.842.220 or emailing

CPW Cleans Siding, Concrete and Much More
The pressure washing experts at Complete Power Wash can safely clean your siding, sidewalks, driveway and more.
This is the time of year when the sun is shining brightest and longest. It’s also when the dirt, mildew and ugly stains are illuminated for all to see. There are a couple of ways to fix this. You can try to do it yourself, taking an entire day, risking injury and possibly making it look worse. OR, you can hire the cleaning professionals of Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD, like Jennifer.
House Washing Done Safely and Correctly
Most houses have several exterior walls that are relatively clean, with several sides covered in green and black stains. These are natural elements that can cause harm if not cleaned. The best way to clean these surfaces is by hiring a professional pressure washing company that uses the softwash cleaning method.
The professionals at Complete Power Wash are trained to use softwash. Their techs use just the right water pressure. That controlled pressure combined with gentle, environmentally-friendly detergents weaken the grip of dirt, mold, mildew and other natural elements. Once the detergent takes affect, the technician can gently wash away all those elements and their ugliness.
Siding — and every other kind of building material — can be scarred and/or broken with pressure washing equipment in the wrong hands. These mistakes can cost a homeowner a lot of money.
Click on this link to learn more about the company’s House Cleaning service.
Professional Concrete Cleaning
Most think that blasting dirt and stains off sidewalks, driveways, and hardscape patios and walls is easy. After all, concrete is among the hardest surfaces and there’s no way water can hurt it, right? Some do-it-yourselfers and amateurs find out the hard way that intense water pressure through a concentrated nozzle can cut right into concrete. Scarred walkways are even more costly to replace or fix than scarred siding.
Professional cleaners will once again use detergents and the correct water pressure to wash away the stains. The detergents also leave a residue that will prolong times between cleanings on concrete, siding, decking, etc…. The Complete Power Wash techs will leave your property clean and tidy. Driveways, sidewalks and patios all look new again.
Contact CPW for Professional Pressure Washing in the Tri-State Area
Contact the Complete Power Wash‘s Hagerstown, MD office to schedule a pressure washing appointment. Click here to contact the CPW office about a free cleaning estimate. You can also call 301-842-2290 or email Their techs are the local pressure washing experts for siding and concrete surfaces. They’re also experts in roof and gutter cleaning and deck and patio cleaning.
“Our dirty roof was gross! It ruined the whole exterior appearance of our home. Immediately after you treated it, the roof looked like new… nice and clean! Thanks for doing such a good job.” — Sue M.
Click here to see a gallery of Complete‘s pressure washing work. They also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Frederick County, Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. They also remove graffiti and are experienced in industrial power washing.

June is for Safety, Health & Pressure Washing
June is National Safety and Men’s Health Month
Summer doesn’t officially start for a few weeks, however summer activities are now in full swing. The kids are wrapping up the school year and the pools are open. Unfortunately, this is when local emergency rooms start getting busier. Some of those visitors started the day doing a home improvement project and ended it in pain. Don’t let a pressure washing job be what ruins your day.
Safety is a BIG reason to hire a professional pressure washing company like Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD. Their techs clean homes and businesses throughout the Tri-state area of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Ladders, water pressure and wet surfaces can be a recipe for serious injuries. The CPW techs take the right precautions. If a tech gets hurt on the job, the employer will take care of the employee. If a homeowner or an uninsured amateur gets injured, it’s a different story. Pain, suffering and being out of work will cost a lot more than hiring a professional to wash your property’s. Click here to read the CPW blog about pressure washing injuries, featuring stories like this one:
“I once sprayed my foot by accident. At the emergency room they told me they see three or four pressure washer accident victims a week. The hand surgeon said, ‘I can’t believe you didn’t do more damage than that.’ ”
Contact CPW’s Hagerstown office here to schedule a pressure washing appointment and to remove the possibility of injury. You can also reach them by calling 301.842.2290 or emailing Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are the experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They also do gutter and church steeple cleaning, along with safely removing graffiti. They use the softwash cleaning method to keep your property safe from damage.
June is Men’s Health Month
In addition to staying safe, this is also the month for men to focus on getting healthier. It’s a good time to make a routine checkup appoint with your doctor, change your diet or workout regime, and get educated about the physical and mental health threats. Read this Mayo Clinic article to learn about the issues many men face. This article has a number of suggestions for changing the trajectory of your health. It’s never too late to make a positive change.

Memorial Day 2024
Memorial Day 2024 is on Monday, May 27th.
The staff of Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD hopes you have a good Memorial Day weekend and an enjoyable “unofficial” start to summer.
Speaking of which, is your home ready for summer? Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are the experts in house washing, roof cleaning, deck and patio cleaning (including pool decks), and more. Contact the Hagerstown office here to schedule a pressure washing appointment. You can also reach them by calling 301.842.2290 or emailing the office at
The CPW techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash, even concrete and other “indestructible” surfaces. Click here to see a gallery of the company‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Complete‘s cleaning professionals serve the Tri-state area of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Here are some Memorial Day weekend events in the Hagerstown, MD area. Below are some facts about the patriotic holiday.
Memorial Day Facts
Did You Know: This year’s Memorial Day holiday is Monday, May 27, 2024. The holiday began after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans, established it. It was originally called Decoration Day, because the citizens were encouraged to decorate the graves of those who died in the “war between the states.” By the 20th Century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions merged and Memorial Day honored all Americans killed (see below) while in military service.
The Americans Lost in Major Wars and Honored on Memorial Day
- American Civil War – 620,000 killed
- World War II – 405,399 killed
- World War I – 116,516
- Vietnam War – 58,209
- Korean War – 36,516
- American Revolutionary War – 25,000
- War of 1812 – 20,000
- Mexican-American War – 13,283
- The War on Terror – 7,078
- Spanish-American War – 2,446
- Gulf War – 258
Read more about the Memorial Day holiday by clicking here.
NOTE: CPW‘s sister company is BlueBox Rentals dumpster company. Contact them if you need a dumpster this summer.

You Sleep While Pros Clean Your Home’s Exterior
May is Better Sleep Month and a great month to clean your home’s exterior.
Everyone can use a good night’s sleep. Most can use many restful nights to keep up with the daytime demands. May is the perfect month to take steps toward fixing your sleeping habits (see below) AND hire a professional pressure washing company to take that off your lengthy to-do list. Some times that list is so long that you can’t relax enough to sleep. Let the exterior cleaning professionals of Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD help with that one big project. CPW‘s sister company, BlueBox Rentals dumpster company, can also help if one of your big jobs is cleaning out a storage area, home improvement mess or rental property.
If you’re selling your home during the spring season, a call to both companies might be very helpful. A clean and cleaned out home are two important steps toward attracting multiple buyers.
Tips for Sleeping Better
- Be consistent with your nighttime routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This includes weekends. And try to get the same amount of sleep each night.
- Avoid technology within a few hours of going to sleep. Don’t watch TV, use a computer, cell phone, or tablet in the bedroom.
- Create a restful environment in the bedroom. Keep the room quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. A sleep machine (white noise) and/or a fan may also help.
- Relax prior to laying down to sleep. Taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to soothing music can help. Gentle body stretches can also help if tight joints often awaken you in the night.
Impacts of Better Sleep Patterns
Better sleep can mean a better quality of life. Some of the positive impacts include:
- Improved mood
- Better cognitive function
- Reduced stress
Stronger immune system & a lower risk of health problems
- Better weight management
Complete Power Wash for a Professional Pressure Washing
Contact the Hagerstown office here to schedule a pressure washing appointment. You can also reach them by calling 301.842.2290 or emailing the office at
Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are the experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing. The CPW techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash, even concrete and other “indestructible” surfaces. Click here to see a gallery of the company‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Complete‘s cleaning professionals serve the Tri-state area of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They pressure wash homes in Hagerstown, Clear Spring, Smithsburg, Greencastle, Falling Waters and more. They also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Their professionals also clean the exteriors of commercial buildings throughout their service area.

Add Mulch and Then Watch Your House
Shotgun Fungus can prove to be a headache for those mulching this spring.
Mulching flower beds is a favorite activity of homeowners this time of year. It makes the property look great. But know that not all mulch is the same and you can’t tell the difference until the signs show up. Those signs are in the form of little black dots on the side of your home or business. “Shotgun” fungus — also known as Artillery Fungus — originates in mulch. The spores can launch up to 20 feet high and stick to any surface. The spores aren’t harmful, but are extremely difficult to remove from a home’s exterior walls.
Pressure washing techs can clean nearly every tough stain on a property. But Shotgun Fungus spores are nearly impossible to remove with pressure washing detergents and equipment. Artillery Fungus can infect any organic mulch, and under the right conditions, it will flourish. It thrives in cool, moist, shady areas. The best advice is to prevent the fungus from shooting its sticky spores.
When adding mulch, routinely inspect your home’s exterior for two weeks after putting it down. As soon as you see the black dots, remove the mulch immediately. After that, you can replace it; remove it and allow it to “season” and put it back; and/or add mushroom compost to the mulch. None of these options is a guaranteed solution, but the compost has been shown to greatly reduce the fungus’ action.
Did You Know?: The end of April is the BEST time to sell your home this spring. AND, it’s always best to have your home professionally cleaned before putting it on the real estate market.
Complete Power Wash for Pressure Washing in the Tri-state area
Call 301.842.2290 or contact the Complete Power Wash office today for a free pressure washing estimate. CPW has the area’s top pressure washing experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They also clean driveways, fences, chimneys, solar panels, gutters, church steeples and more. They even safely remove graffiti.
Click here to see images of their cleaning tech’s pressure washing work. They serve the greater Hagerstown area and most of Frederick County, MD. They also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.
The CPW staff uses the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Call the Hagerstown, MD office soon to make sure your home is clean and ready for friends coming over for summer gatherings.
Pressure Washing Testimonial
“They did an awesome job cleaning my entire townhouse! I highly recommend this company and will definitely use them again in the future!” – Regina C., Hagerstown, MD
Read more reviews here.

April is for Hope and Solar Panel Cleaning
It’s National Month of Hope and the world is in need of an extra helping.
It’s always a good time to search for more hope and April is a month dedicated to that search. Warmer temperatures and extra daylight in the evening are two good reasons to be more hopeful. Also, if you have a home that no longer resembles the one you purchased, there is hope.
The Complete Power Wash team have pressure washed the “ugly” from many homes, business fronts, sidewalks, gutters, decks, fences, roofs and other building materials. One of those other materials is a solar panel, or in most cases, many solar panels. Some of the most crucial materials are outside of the sight line of the average person. Look up a little bit and see the bottom of your gutters. Above that are the shingles. Dirty shingles are pre-maturely aging shingles. Even higher up MAY be solar panels. Dirty solar panels are less-effective solar panels. AND, virtually out of sight are the inside of the gutters. The CPW techs can take care of all of the above and more. They want to help and be a source of hope as the pollen season wraps up.
Speaking of hope, read several hope-filled headlines below.
Solar Panel Cleaning by Complete Power Wash
More and more houses in the Tri-state area of Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania have shingles AND solar panels on the roofs. Those panels are a great way to harness and use the sun’s energy for your family’s energy needs. However, dirt, pollen and bird droppings can reduce the solar panel’s effectiveness by 10 to 25 percent, according to experts. Complete Power Wash techs do solar panel cleaning in a safe and effective way.
April is a great time to schedule such a cleaning, along with an air conditioner tune up, to keep your summer energy bill as low as possible. Click on this article to read about all the reasons to have a solar panel cleaning done now and regularly in the years to come.
Stories of Hope from NewsNationNow.Com
Video shows Las Vegas K9’s dramatic rescue after stabbing
Texas toddler is youngest person to visit every national park
Good Samaritan subdues man assaulting Indiana Subway worker
Highway Angels: Truck drivers recognized for saving lives
Nuggets pave the way for student’s campaign victory
Netflix star spreads autism awareness fundraising for ClemsonLIFE
Click on this link to connect with each of these stories and more.
Complete Power Wash’s Services and Contact
Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are the experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing. The CPW techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash, even concrete and other “indestructible” surfaces.
Click here to see a gallery of Complete‘s pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. They also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Their pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. Call 301.842.2290 or contact their office for a free estimate.

Happy Easter!
Easter Closes Out the Month of March in 2024
Spring has begun and the month of March will close out with the Easter weekend. Many will spend this week hunting for Easter eggs, shopping for the perfect Sunday outfit and making brunch plans. Be sure to take lots of photos!
Once those wonderful family times are over the calendar will quickly change to the new month. April is when Complete Power Wash‘s team of cleaning professionals start their busy season. Homeowners want their home to shine as the azaleas and daffodils start to bloom. It’s the perfect time for a house wash and a thorough property cleaning. Scroll down to read about the company’s pressure washing services and contact information.
Easter Holiday Facts
Did You Know: Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In the Bible’s New Testament, the resurrection occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly 30 A.D. The Easter holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events and holidays that begins with Lent—a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week, which includes Maundy Thursday (the celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 Apostles); Good Friday (on which Jesus’ death is observed); and Easter Sunday, also known as Resurrection Sunday.
Interesting Easter Facts: Eggs represent the new life. Eggs are dyed to represent the blood of Christ. And Americans will eat more that 600 million Peeps during the Easter season. Click here to read more Easter facts.
CPW’s Pressure Washing Services and the Softwash Cleaning Method
The CPW techs are the Tri-state area’s pressure washing experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They also clean fences, solar panels, signs and church steeples, including other types of commercial and industrial power washing. They are experts in removing tough stains and graffiti. Click here to see a gallery of Complete Power Wash pressure washing work and here to read reviews.
Softwash is the technique true pressure washing professionals use on even the toughest buildup. Complete Power Wash’s cleaning professionals are trained in the best way to use softwash. Their techs use “just the right water pressure,” combined with gentle, environmentally-friendly detergents. These detergents are used to weaken the grip of dirt, mold, mildew and other natural elements. Once the detergent takes affect, the technician can gently wash away the grime.
Contact the Hagerstown office here to schedule an appointment. You can also call 301.842.2290 or email the office at
Complete‘s cleaning professionals serve the Tri-state area of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They clean homes and businesses in Hagerstown, Clear Spring, Smithsburg, Greencastle, Falling Waters and more.
Complete Power Wash Testimonials
“Complete Power Wash is a professional, experienced, and trustworthy company. Tim and his staff are very informative, knowledgeable and guarantee 100% satisfaction. Look no further than Complete Power Wash for your next exterior cleaning service!” – Jake A.
“The crew from Complete Power Wash did an excellent job on our roof and siding. So nice to come home to a clean house!” – Barry M.
“They did an awesome job cleaning my entire townhouse! I highly recommend this company and will definitely use them again in the future!” – Regina C., Hagerstown, MD
Complete Power Wash is a professional pressure washing company in Hagerstown, MD. The CPW techs clean the exteriors of homes, businesses and churches in Western Maryland’s Tri-state area. That area includes parts of West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Frederick County, MD. The techs use the softwash cleaning method, the safest pressure washing technique.