Complete Power Wash at the 2022 Home Show

Complete’s pressure washing experts will be at the 2022 Home Show. The Complete Power Wash staff and techs are looking forward to meeting you this weekend at Hagerstown Community College. The community college’s ARCC building is the site of the 2022...
Resolutions for the Start of 2022

Resolutions for the Start of 2022

What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2022? So, what changes are you planning to make starting on January 1, 2022? Do you plan to lose weight? Go back to school? Get a new job? Floss more? Say goodbye to Covid-19 forever?! This one should be on...
We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

Everyone at Complete Power Wash wishes you a Merry Christmas! “We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas…” Now that that song is firmly planted in your head, we really do wish you a merry Christmas, a happy holiday season and a...